R Michael Jones
Director, Chair of the Governance and Human Resources Committee

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Michael Jones

Mr. Jones has a long history of finding, developing, permitting, and adding significant value to mining companies. He has taken multiple large mines, with values of up to $1 billion, from the discovery stages, through to feasibility studies and construction decisions. He has been the founder and a key member of teams that have found several mines in gold, silver and platinum group metals along with nickel and copper. Mr. Jones was CEO of Los Andes Copper in Chile working on the exploration and expansion of a large porphyry copper, a deposit target type for Electrum Discovery. Mr. Jones is well experienced in public companies as he co-founded West Timmins Mining (“WTM”) and MAG Silver (“MAG”), and Platinum Group Metals (“PLG”). WTM went on to successfully finalise a $440 million takeover, and MAG is now valued at over $1 billion.

A qualified mining engineer, Mr. Jones received his Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science, Geological Engineering from the University of Toronto. Mr. Jones is a Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa, as well as the winner of multiple discovery awards, including the Des Pretorius Medal. Mr. Jones served the BC Securities Commission Policy Committee for 6 years, as an appointment of the Government of British Columbia, Canada Minister of Finance.